Available courses

This module provides an overview of the Safe System approach to road safety adopted by National and State governments to generate improvements in road safety. The module will also explain how Safe System principles are applied to the road safety audit process in Western Australia.

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This module provides an overview of the road safety audit process and sets out the benefits and obstacles that can be faced when conducting a road safety audit in Western Australia. 

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This module provides an outline of the 4 design stages of the road safety audit process. A road safety audit may be conducted at one or more of the following stages as a design proceeds from concept to implementation:

  • feasibility stage;
  • preliminary design stage;
  • detailed design stage; and
  • pre-opening stage (or post-opening if conducted just after the project opens).

This module also includes information relating to the road safety assessment of an existing road by conducting a Road Safety Inspection.

Please save your certificate once it is available, as certificates are not available once your enrolment period for the course ends.

The purpose of this module is to step you through the road safety audit process, from identifying whether or not you need a road safety audit for your project, to selecting an audit team and responding to the road safety audit report. This module also considers confidentiality and how it relates to the road safety audit process. 

Please save your certificate once it is available, as certificates are not available once your enrolment period for the course ends.

The purpose of this module is to provide an understanding of how crashes occur, considering the forces at play during a crash event, and the failures that can occur in the transport system that can lead to a crash.

The module also provides an insight into the locations where crashes can occur, and what elements of a project constitute a higher risk of crash causation or crash severity and how this can be applied when conducting a road safety audit.

Please save your certificate once it is available, as certificates are not available once your enrolment period for the course ends.

The purpose of this module is to highlight the human factors that can influence road safety outcomes, and how these human factors are considered within the Safe System approach to road safety.  

The purpose of this module is to provide a basic understanding of intersection design and this module also highlights the influence restricted access vehicles and buses can have on intersection design and how this should be considered by road safety auditors.     

Please save your certificate once it is available, as certificates are not available once your enrolment period for the module ends.

The purpose of this module is to provide a basic understanding of signing and pavement markings and their application in Western Australia. 

This module also considers the significant influence signing and pavement marking can have on road safety audit findings and recommendations. 

Please save your certificate once it is available, as certificates are not available once your enrolment period for the module ends.

In order to audit roadsides auditors must be aware of the basic roadside design requirements. This module provides an outline of the basic roadside design requirements and also highlights the issues that auditors should be aware of when considering roadsides.   

Please save your certificate once it is available, as certificates are not available once your enrolment period for the module ends.

In order to be able to audit either existing or proposed road safety barriers, auditors must be aware of the basic design and performance requirements of road safety barriers. This module also provides some guidance on issues that auditors should be aware of when auditing road safety barriers.   

Please save your certificate once it is available, as certificates are not available once your enrolment period for the module ends.

The purpose of this module is to highlight areas to consider when conducting an audit on an unsealed road. The module is based on guidance contained in the Unsealed Roads Manual – Guide to Good Practice ARRB (2009).

Please save your certificate once it is available, as certificates are not available once your enrolment period for the module ends.

The purpose of this module is to provide a broad understanding of traffic signals and the general aspects of traffic signals to consider when conducting a road safety audit.

This is a specialised area and expert advice can often be required when undertaking road safety audits at traffic signals by engaging a Specialist Advisor. 

Please save your certificate once it is available, as certificates are not available once your enrolment period for the module ends.

This module provides a basic outline of the use of roadway lighting. This module also considers the standards and guidelines used in Western Australia, how street lighting is considered when conducting road safety audits and how it can affect road safety outcomes. 

Please note that street lighting is a specialised field. An audit team may choose to seek specialist advice in the form of a Specialist Advisor to assist the team.

Please save your certificate once it is available, as certificates are not available once your enrolment period for the module ends.

This module provides an overview of pedestrian facilities and important factors to consider when conducting a road safety audit on pedestrian facilities. It also highlights the vulnerability of pedestrians and people with disabilities as road users.  

This module also provides auditors with an understanding of the needs and requirements of pedestrians and people with disabilities and the road safety benefits of providing suitable infrastructure to safely cater for their needs.

Please save your certificate once it is available, as certificates are not available once your enrolment period for the module ends.

This modules provides information about motorcycle safety and the importance of considering motorcycles in the road safety audit process.

Please save your certificate once it is available, as certificates are not available once your enrolment period for the module ends.

This module highlights the various infrastructure elements that are provided to facilitate cyclists on the road and path network. This module also provides auditors with a greater understanding about bicycle riding; the different needs that different riders require; specific infrastructure; hazards that affect riders; and why considering bicycle riders is important in the road safety audit process.  

Please save your certificate once it is available, as certificates are not available once your enrolment period for the module ends.

The purpose of this module is to provide an outline about the application of the road safety audit process to land use developments. This module includes information about how to undertake audits on these types of projects and associated issues that can be encountered. 

This type of project can have significant political input, as there are often competing interests involved (Developers, money, government, asset owners, tax/ rate payers etc.). A road safety audit is an effective tool used in State Administration Tribunals (SAT) for development projects. It is also important to ensure audit teams have appropriate experience when conducting this type of audit.

Please save your certificate once it is available, as certificates are not available once your enrolment period for the module ends.

The purpose of this module is to demonstrate typical problems a road safety auditor may encounter when conducting an audit. This considers the road side environment, pavement marking and signing. 

Please save your certificate once it is available, as certificates are not available once your enrolment period for the module ends.

This module provides an overview of the general principles of risk management and its application in the road safety audit process.  

Please save your certificate once it is available, as certificates are not available once your enrolment period for the module ends.

This module sets out the process and structure to be adopted when writing a road safety audit report in Western Australia.  

Please save your certificate once it is available, as certificates are not available once your enrolment period for the module ends.

This module explains the use of prompt lists in the road safety audit process and includes a practical example of the audit process by the completion of a mini-audit. 

When completing the mini-audit you will be required to demonstrate your understanding of the use of prompt lists, the identification of findings, potential crash risk and the structure of findings and recommendations. 

Please save your certificate once it is available, as certificates are not available once your enrolment period for the module ends.

This module provides an outline of the road safety audit process that applies to traffic management for roadworks in Western Australia. 

Please save your certificate once it is available, as certificates are not available once your enrolment period for the module ends.

The purpose of this module is to outline the legal issues related to the road safety audit process.

Please save your certificate once it is available, as certificates are not available once your enrolment period for the module ends.